Tag Archives: Mixology

Hot Pimm’s #1 Brew

Monsoon season is on in the Philippine islands, and I’ve been stuck learning WordPress & trying to integrate it to my main website. Of course writing about our Molecular Mixology event isn’t helping at all as I’m too lazy to move from my cozy chair and get some ingredients. Enter Pimm’s #1 in the cupboard. I know its been waiting for me, but I’m not in the mood for Pimm’s Cup yet. I’ve also been downing so much ginger tea lately and I don’t think this ginger streak (yes, I’ve been putting ginger everywhere) will let up any time soon.

Pimm’s by the way is already distinctly fruity, so imagining it with a kick of ginger is easy. Imagining it hot? The strong gin flavour would seem to cooperate with that too. So here’s the product of all that wasted dribble : Continue reading Hot Pimm’s #1 Brew